How to Cultivate Resilience?

We've distilled some tips on how you can develop resilience.

Firstly acknowledge that whatever you're going through is valid and deserves recognition regardless of its nature.

Don't feel ashamed, about the sources of your stress. "Many individuals tend to downplay their struggles by saying, 'Well I haven't been in a war...' However it's crucial to understand that even the common adversities can be considered chronic stressors."

Next take a moment to recognize the ways in which you have already demonstrated resilience.

"Perhaps you haven't faced alcoholism or drug abuse at home. Chances are you've encountered situations. Reflect on the three times in your life. Consider how you managed to overcome those obstacles. You likely possess insights, into resilience."

Avoid waiting for the situation to resolve itself.

"Resilient individuals tend to be problem solvers. Of asking when they will be freed from a circumstance they ask themselves what actions they can take to address it. While not every issue can be solved overnight every problem can still be. Tackled in some way."

Understand your strengths. Make use of them.

"In general resilient people leverage their existing strengths as a means of coping with adversity." "People have qualities that set them apart. Some individuals possess a personality while others rely on their intelligence, talents or strong work ethic. They utilize these attributes to navigate any challenges they encounter."

Don't attempt to face challenges on your own...

A vital factor, in overcoming adversity is having individuals who genuinely care about you. Resilient individuals seek support whether its from a therapist, a close friend or even a family member. They recognize the value of relying on others than denying their need for assistance.

Remember that not everyone needs to know everything.

Enhance the quantity and quality of your relationships based on what suits you. Some people may find solace in confiding in a couple of trusted individuals who know them, inside out. Others might seek validation from a community. Love holds power regardless of its form as the brain perceives experiences when connecting with others. Seek connections where you feel seen understood and cared for – that's all that truly matters.

Discover your method of taking a break.

"Many individuals find solace in the realm of fantasy engaging in their hobbies or spending quality time with friends as a means to temporarily escape from challenging situations that cannot be resolved overnight. While it may not be possible to fix problems one can protect themselves from becoming overwhelmed, by them. As adults we can adopt strategies; indulging in a book engaging in leisure activities like playing Frisbee or disconnecting from news alerts on our phones. The current state of the world often feels overpowering. Resilient individuals not fight back against adversity where they can but also recognize the importance of taking breaks."

"Let us practice self compassion and acknowledge the ways in which adversity has fortified us. Individuals who have faced and overcome challenges tend to emerge stronger. Naturally this outcome depends on factors such, as the magnitude of adversity faced, support systems and coping mechanisms employed. By learning to navigate stress and gaining experiences through these trials we develop confidence and preparedness. Something we often overlook. Of focusing on our vulnerabilities or limitations let us strive to recognize our inherent strength." 

"Shift your attention towards resilience. Envision yourself as someone who possesses readiness, for life compared to the average person given the wealth of experiences you have already accumulated."