Activities, for Building Resilience

In her book titled "The Upside of Stress " Kelly McGonigal (2011) acknowledges that viewing stress positively is not about categorizing it as good or bad. Instead it involves recognizing how we can utilize our strengths to navigate challenges and find the linings. One effective approach she highlights is known as "tend and befriend " which was coined by UCLA psychologist Shelley Taylor, PhD. Taylor et al. (2000) discovered that individuals tend to display social behavior rather than aggression during stressful periods. Remarkably personal tragedies can lead people to transform their experiences into opportunities for helping others. McGonigal emphasizes the uplifting impact of assisting others as it boosts feelings of hope and courage while diminishing fear and despair.

Consider reflecting on one of the events you've faced in your life. How could you use this story to make a difference in someone elses life? How can you leverage your experience to inspire and support others?

Exercises for Finding Purpose

Discovering meaning within our surroundings plays a role, in fostering resilience. In his book "Mans Search, for Meaning " Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor once said that while everything can be taken away from a person there remains one thing that cannot be touched; the freedom to choose ones attitude in any given situation. This ability to choose our path is crucial.

Numerous studies conducted by psychologists have consistently shown that individuals who possess a sense of purpose tend to experience resilience an enhanced overall sense of well being and even improved cognitive functioning. Having a purpose in life plays a role, in building resilience as it helps shield the brain from the effects of stress. Patricia Doyle, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist affiliated with the Alzheimer Disease Center suggests that having a purpose grants our brains an ability to withstand adversity.

1. What is the reason, for your existence?

2. What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

3. What thoughts keep you awake at night?

4. When do you feel most alive and energized?

5. How do you define success for yourself?

6. How can you utilize your talents in a pursuit that deeply interests you and positively impacts others?

7. What actions can you take today to make a difference, in someones life?

8. If you had to summarize your purpose in one sentence of 140 characters what would it be?

9. By choosing to live with purpose what are the things or commitments that you need to decline or say no to?