Strategies, for Cultivating Resilience

When we don't have intentions our minds tend to default to reactions or behaviors influenced by our surroundings as mentioned in strategy 2. We all have stories or narratives that unconsciously shape our actions. Our lives can often be fast paced and filled with stress causing us to rely on autopilot mode for efficiency and self protection. The uncertainties of confinement and social distancing can amplify beliefs and thoughts within us. Sadly we rarely take the time to pause and define our intentions determining who and what truly matters to us. The best version of ourselves lies dormant within us often than not.

However when we cultivate a mind our intentions become clear and aligned with our values. This clarity empowers us to overcome survival instincts and limiting beliefs that hinder professional growth. We encourage you not to answer the following questions but to envision your responses as realities achieved because the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between our beliefs and actuality;

What is my greatest aspiration, for my overall well being?

Imagine a miraculous scenario where this desired outcome becomes a reality. Can you identify five behaviors that can be observed in this situation? Imagine yourself in the shoes of your relatives and colleagues, within this imagined reality what five behaviors do they notice in you?

One effective approach, based on literature my experience as a psychologist and my own life encounters suggests that embracing our discomforts, disappointments and sorrows is a winning strategy for our well being. Embracing doesn't imply resignation or surrender. It simply means acknowledging reality as it's having the confidence that we possess the resources to confront it. This mindset allows us to learn from challenging situations find equilibrium or uncover opportunities. Studies have shown that individuals who approach situations with openness, curiosity and acceptance tend to experience stress and anxiety compared to those who resist or desire things to be different.

To delve deeper into this concept of acceptance I invite you to reflect on the questions;

What new opportunities emerge when I accept circumstances beyond my control?

How does embracing uncertainty as a state open doors, for growth?

In what ways can I recognize my abilities to navigate through life securely?

I encourage you to approach this reflection with kindness, towards yourself. It's important to acknowledge that the effects of the pandemic are genuine which can lead to reactions and feelings of unease. However it's crucial to remember that these reactions and discomforts don't have to shape our identity. They are merely a part of being human. Once we recognize and accept them we have the opportunity to nurture the intention we discovered in strategy 3.

Building Relationships, with Others

The strategy of relationships is ranked fifth not because it is less important but because its impact multiplies when combined with the strategies. When we have health, inner tranquility clear aspirations for a better life and the ability to approach challenges with curiosity, courage and serenity we create a favorable environment for enhancing the quality of our relationships with others.

According to a study conducted by Harvard University, the quality of our relationships—particularly those that provide a sense of safety—has a profound influence on both our happiness and physical well being. By investing in our professional connections and fostering kindness, inclusivity and collaboration within them we directly contribute to our resilience as well as that of our loved ones.

Conscious communication practices along with acts of compassion and generosity are recognized as ways to enhance resilience. Numerous studies highlight their impact on well being, for ourselves and others. Therefore we encourage you to incorporate these practices into your life especially during times when social distancing is necessary.

To cultivate high quality relationships consider asking yourself;

Who holds importance in my life?

Who is important, to me?

● Do I approach my relationships with a sense of non judgment, curiosity, kindness and patience?

● What emotions do I feel when I experience a fulfilling relationship?

Wellness and resilience are within reach for everyone. It is recommended to focus on behaviors that will help you navigate this period, with strength, health and happiness. Wishing you experiences and overall well being.