Here are some Tips to Help Develop a Mindset;

Accept the things that're beyond your control. It can be frustrating. Draining to focus on things that you have no power over. Instead let go of them. Redirect your energy towards positive aspects. Remember, although you may not be able to change these circumstances you can choose how you respond to them. Embrace change, as a part of life. Rather than fixating on the aspects approach change with flexibility and openness. Recognize that it also brings opportunities and potential positive outcomes. Keep your focus on the picture. Sometimes we tend to get caught up in the details of an event or situation and blow it out of proportion. Avoid catastrophizing by taking a step and assessing its impact from a broader perspective.

Maintain an attitude without disregarding situations entirely. Being resilient doesn't mean you have to feel positive, about every circumstance. It signifies that in the face of adversity you maintain the belief, in your ability to overcome challenges and strive to handle the situation while progressing ahead.

Here are some expert tips, on building resilience along with my insights for each;

Establish a set of beliefs that cannot be easily shaken; To achieve this its important to start by creating a personal mission statement for your life. Once you have that in place you can then identify the values that will guide your actions and decisions. These values could include kindness, integrity, honesty and courage. By anchoring yourself to your mission and core values you'll be able to view setbacks as hurdles.

Find meaning in traumatic experiences; There's a quote by Napoleon Hill that captures this idea perfectly. "Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent benefit." It's important to understand that everything happens for a reason. When we embrace this perspective we become better equipped to handle setbacks without being broken down by them. Every negative event holds lessons for us. If we approach them as opportunities, for growth and learning we can overcome them.